OOH/AD Truck FACTS & STATS (See Our Video - "The Last Captive Audience In America")

Imagine, having your ADs on every Fed Ex, UPS or Walmart Truck you see this week!

OOH Study Findings - 2018 (OOH Cinema Advertising Study)

* Many of the largest brands in the country use OOH in their integrated media strategies, including:
   McDonald’s, Verizon, Warner Brothers Pictures, JPMorganChase, Apple, AT&T, Coca-Cola, and Geico.

* In an age of ever-increasing media fragmentation, OOH is more relevant and morepowerful than ever. OOH reaches people no matter how they consume their media, makingthem stop, notice, and buy. No other advertising format is more ever-present, or morecreatively versatile.

* When OOH is combined with other advertising in an integrated media plan, it is proven toextend reach, amplify a campaign, and drive consumers to engage with brands online andin-store. Maybe this is why OOH is one of the fastest-growing advertising media around.

* Agencies/Brands can achieve sales uplift of 5 - 10 % by adopting hyperlocal strategies and considering non-traditional ways to reach shoppers.

             to make OOH even more engaging, interactive, and transactional.

* Results from this study indicate OOH tactics can drive higher results than other Traditional Media.

Mobile Billboard Advertising Statistics - 2019
“In a study of measured consumer awareness and sales between static billboards and Mobile billboards …
Static billboards resulted in an increase of sales of 54%, but mobile billboards resulted in an increase of sales of 107%!”
– Product Acceptance and Research, Inc. Washington, D.C.

“Billboard displays using motion have been determined to be the most effective advertising in both product sales and consumer awareness.– The Point of Purchase Institute

“Mobile billboards boost name recognition 15 times greater than any other form of advertising.” – European Outdoor Advertising Assoc.

“Mobile advertising generates 2.5 times more attention than a static billboard.” – Perception Research

“The advertising effect of being on the side of a mobile billboard (Tri-Action) sign is 4.3 times better than traditional advertising.”
– SOURCE: Capital Communication Group

“Messages on outdoor mobile billboards have a 97% recall rate.”  – RYP and Becker Group

“Findings in a recent study on Mobile Ads effectiveness concluded 29% of those surveyed said they would buy products advertised on trucks.” – SOURCE: American Trucking Association and 3M

“98% of the respondents felt that the AD Truck created a positive image for the advertiser.” – Robinson, Yesawich & Pepperdine

“29% say outdoor advertising caused them to visit a retail store within a week.”– Arbitron National In-Car Study

“96% of respondents say mobile advertising is more effective than traditional outdoor advertising (Static billboards).” – Outdoor Ad Magazine

“81.5% responded that someone else in the vehicle saw the ad.” – Robinson, Yesawich & Pepperdine Inc.

“An equal proportion of respondents first noticed the ad on the side as did first notice the ad on the back of the vehicle.” 
– Robinson, Yesawich & Pepperdine Inc.

Americans spend an average of 18 hours a week in-car, either as driver or passenger. Young men 18-34, elusive to TV advertisers, have huge exposure to outdoor media. In-car audiences are a vital advertising consideration in all-sized U.S. media markets. Outdoor and Radio advertising are very complementary.” – Arbitron Inc. / Edison Media

Out of Home by the Numbers: 64 Amazing Outdoor Advertising Stats by Gino Sesto | Aug 25, 2018 | Outdoor Advertising

There’s nothing like cold, hard facts to bring something into perspective, and when we began gathering stats for this look at out of home by the numbers, we were kind of floored. We love outdoor advertising, of course, but even we were surprised at just how much it has grown, improved and progressed since its invention nearly two centuries ago. So without further ado, here’s a look at some fascinating research and history about OOH. Just for fun, we broke our numbers into eight categories, with eight pieces of information in each. Take a look!

Out of Home Advertising | 1. Ad Spending | 2. Out of Home Advertising Effectiveness and Reach
3. Outdoor Facts  | 4. Return on Investment | 5. History | 6. Beyond Billboards | 7. Digital | 8. Top OOH Advertisers

1. Ad Spending
$7.7 billion – amount spent on OOH ads in the United States 2017
2 percent – year-to-year rise in OOH spending in 2017
24 percent – technology companies’ share of OOH advertising in 2017
12 – companies that doubled their 2016 OOH spending in 2017
8 percent – Turkey’s OOH ad spending growth rate from 2014-’19, best in the world
6 percent – share of global ad spending devoted to OOH
$11.5 billion – projected outdoor ad spending in 2022
8 percent – increase in OOH spending by financial services in 2017

2. Out of Home Advertising Effectiveness and Reach
75 percent – share of travelers who have seen a digital billboard in the past month
55 percent – share who say they were “highly engaged” by the ad’s message
71 percent – share who said digital billboards stand out better than online ads
46 percent – share of the population who see digital place-based networks each month
25 million – place-based screens in the United States
7,800 – digital billboards in the United States
5 percent – share of ad budgets devoted to OOH
14 percent – how much more likely adults 25-34 who live in households making more than $100K per year
are to notice OOH ads than the rest of the population.

3. Outdoor Facts (or Facts About Being Outside)
70 percent – share of waking hours people spend away from home
300,000 – miles of interstates and federal roads overseen by the U.S. government
500 – foot buffer placed around school zones preventing outdoor advertising
18 – hours per week the average person spends on the road
135 – miles covered in that time
93 percent – share of people who have driven in or ridden in a car during the past month
194 – minutes the average person spends in a car each weekday
57 – minutes the average person spends in a car on Sunday

4. Return on Investment
382 percent – more effective OOH is at driving online activity vs. television
85 percent – share of consumers who think out of home advertising is helpful
2 – OOH’s rank, behind digital, in the fastest-growing forms of advertising worldwide
$5.97 – product sales generated by out of home advertising per $1 spent
40 percent – boost in effectiveness for digital search when paired with OOH
14 percent – boost in effectiveness for print ads when paired with OOH
$4.72 –sales ROI for telecom companies per $1 spent on OOH ads
$3.79 –sales ROI for retail companies per $1 spent on OOH ads

5. History
1835 – year the first printed posters were produced in the United States (advertising a circus)
1850 – year street railways first displayed advertising
1958 – year Congress first passes legislation regulating billboards
1965 – year Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Highway Beautification Act, regulating billboards on federally controlled roads
1962 – year a French ad company develops the bus shelter
4 – states that outlaw billboards (Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine)
1933 – year the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement was established
2016 – year it rebranded to Geopath

6. Beyond Billboards
1,352 – U.S. placed-based OOH displays in arenas and stadiums
34,350 – U.S. placed-based OOH displays in movie theaters
30,532 – U.S. placed-based OOH displays in malls
60,897 – bus shelter displays in the U.S.
32,122 – bus benches, phone kiosks, newsstands and newsracks with advertising in the U.S.
2,732 – truckside transit advertisements
1,200 – mobile billboards
364,785 – rail/subway advertisements

7. Digital
25 percent – share who have interacted with an OOH ad using their smartphone
59 percent – share of people who saw a digital billboard in the past month
45 percent – share of people who saw a video ad on a screen in a public place
24 percent – share of people who searched for a brand online after seeing an OOH ad
11 percent – share of people who visited the brand’s social media channels
22 percent – share of people who accessed a digital coupon for the brand on their smartphone
14 percent – share of people who took a photo of the ad on their smartphone
23 percent – who have swiped an NFC sensor or scanned a QR code on an OOH ad

8. Top OOH Advertisers
McDonald’s | Apple | Geico | American Express | Google | Amazon | Coca-Cola | HBO

Statistics compiled from:
Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Statista, Nielsen, Arbitron, Outdoor Media Association, Geopath, Simmons, PwC, Magna Global, Zenith Optimedia

One thing that really caught our eye was this:
A recent Magna Global report looked at United States ad spending since 2010 and forecast totals through 2021.
Every other major form of advertising, aside from digital, will see its share of total ad spending decline by at least 10 percentage points.
Outdoor is the only one that will remain steady, at 4.2 percent.

Build Relationships with Customers Using Outdoor Advertising
That speaks to the versatility and, most notably at a time when digital is soaring, durability of this medium, especially when compared to less-flexible formats like radio and print. But that’s just one thing we found. There are plenty of others, and we’ll wager that even the most seasoned outdoor veterans don’t know all of these. A quick note on sourcing, because we know that’s important. We culled our facts from industry trade groups, top researchers, agencies and other well-respected sources. Unless otherwise noted, statistics apply to the United States and shares of people refer to Americans.

Gino Sesto is the Founder of DASH TWO, a Digital and Outdoor Advertising Agency based out of Culver City, CA. He has extensive experience and knowledge within the advertising industry, covering all formats from traditional media to digital media. Gino has over 25 years of experience and has helped with the release of several #1 records, including Bone Thugs N Harmony, The Offspring, Eminem, Jay-Z and more. Over the last 3 years, Gino has grown DASH TWO from 5 employees to over 20 employees and has expanded the company by opening a satellite office in Nashville, TN. Outside of DASH TWO, Gino is also a avid Certified Flight Instructor and is an active member of AOPA and The Entrepreneur Organization. His Web Link is Here

The Advertising Effectiveness of Truck Marketing | According to Wheels America Advertising…

• An American Trucking Association study found that ads on trucks were noticed by 98% of people in cars.
• Perception Research found that vehicle advertising is 2.5 times more effective than fixed billboard advertising.
• RYP & Becker Group claim vehicle marketing results in a 97% message recall, compared to a 19% retention for stationary signs per Capitol Communications Group.   According to the mobile billboard company, Ad Hitch…
• A study by Product Acceptance and Research, Inc. found vehicle billboards was twice as effective as stationary billboards in driving sales and boasted an 80% recall of specific ads. A study by the Transportation Advertising Council found 97% recall rates.
• Arbitron reports that Americans spend an average of 15 hours per week in cars.
• The European Outdoor Advertising Association found that truck marketing boosted name recognition 15 times more than any other form of advertising.
• The Outdoor Advertising Association of America calculates that each truck can generate 30,000 to 70,000 impressions per day!

Cost wise, vehicle marketing is far more affordable than other forms of advertising.
Average costs reported by Bulldog Billboards and Jet Mobile Media, the cost per thousand impressions is…
• $2.05 for mobile billboards
• $4.17 for stationary billboards
• $6.12 for drive time radio
• $18.40 for television.

More Stats.....
* Outdoor Media Reaches 95% Percent of U.S. Consumers, over half the American people on any given day.
* Truck Side Marketing programs offer you the ability to Advertise 8-10 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week.
* 18 million annual impressions generated by a truck in a DMA market of more than 5 million people.
* Box-van trucks generate - 6.4 million impressions a yr. The average is around 80,000 Impressions a day.
* Typical Semi Trailers travel 125,000 miles a year gaining 24,000,000+ impressions annually per vehicle.
* With as few as 4 to 14 AD Trucks in most DMA’s you can reach 3% to 50% of the population on a daily basis.
* The price of an Ad Truck is 2 to 3 times cheaper than a Billboard. These AD Trucks drive past dozens of billboards a day!
* MAM vehicles can achieve 85% reach and 20x "frequency" each month - Advt. Publications Research Corp.

( Impact ratings of Mobile Media Trucks scored higher than all other Outdoor Combined - Thibodeaux Res.)
* Impact rating of Mobile Media Trucks were higher than all forms of advertising.
* Mobile billboard displays boost name recognition 15 X greater than other advertising.
* 96% Percent of respondents who felt AD Trucks had more impact than traditional billboard advertising.
* 98% Percent of respondents who felt truck side ads created a positive image for the sponsor.
* 91% of all people notice truck advertising, 75% affect their buying habits from truck advertising - Beverage World
* These AD Trucks become low cost "impression machines" generating new customers daily.
* 91% of audience notices words and images on AD Trucks.
* 97% remember Truck Side ads vs. only 19% for Billboards.

100 AD Trucks | 6 Month Campaign | Top 10 Metro Markets | 900 Million - 1.5 Billion Impressions.

Daniel Sage | Media Broker | sales@MobileAdMarketing.com | 512.633.7214

Daniel Sage | Vehicular Media Broker | Info@MobileAdMarketing.com | 512.633.7214
BRANDS that Use
OR Have Used
AD Trucks.

Coca Cola
H&R Block
Anheuser Busch
General Electric
Dunkin Donuts
Time Warner
Jack in the Box
Ford Motors
MGM Grand
Wells Fargo
Budweiser & Bud Light
Ross Stores
Cricket Wireless
The Gap
Nature Valley
Wal Mart & Sam's Club
JP Morgan Chase Bank
AT&T Wireless
Kentucky Fried Chicken
DSW Shoe Warehouse
Sears Roebuck
Wachovia Bank
The Vitamin Shoppe
Nationwide Insurance
A & M Records.
Under Armor, Inc.
More to Come...